We accept card payments both for online online and orders taken over the phone. For online payments, we use Stripe and PayPal. Both platforms accept all major credit cards including Visa / Electron, Mastercard / Eurocard, Maestro, Discover and American Express. We can also accept card payments over the phone or in person if you collect from our offices. To pay for products over the phone or in person, we accept all major cards except for American Express.

We also accept BACs (Bankers Automated Clearing Services) and IBAN (International Bank Account Number) electronic transfer payments into our bank account. BACs and IBAN payments are preferred for high value transactions. BACs payments can take up to 3 working days to reach our account. If you are ordering from outside the UK, you can pay via IBAN in Sterling. IBAN payments can take up to 4 working days to reach our account. Please take money clearing timescales into consideration when placing an order.

For orders placed over the phone in in person, we accept cheque payments. Please make cheques payable to 'Red Survey Limited'. Cheques can be sent to Red Survey Limited, Church Street, Castle Cary, Somerset, BA7 7EJ. Orders will be dispatched as soon as cheques have cleared.

VAT at the rate of 20.0% is added to all orders at checkout. This rate is applicable for all orders placed within the UK and EU.
All goods listed on this website are shown in UK Sterling (GBP). Payments made to us must therefore be made in UK Sterling (GBP), unless otherwise agreed with us in advance.